Why we oppose incineration.


Incineration turns waste into toxic air pollution and toxic ash, which would be dumped in area landfills, making them even more toxic to groundwater than they usually are.

Incineration is the most expensive and polluting way to make energy or to dispose of waste. Real solutions like reuse, recycling and composting produce 10 times as many jobs as burning or burying waste. San Francisco just reached 80% diversion from landfills and incinerators through their zero waste program.

To learn about how toxic, dangerous, expensive and unnecessary incinerators are, see:

Incineration: Myths vs. Facts on “Waste-to-Energy”

Incineration and Incinerators-in-Disguise

Petitioner Orientation Meetings

Allentown is threatened by a toxic incinerator that would foul our region’s air with poisons from burned trash and sewage sludge.

WE NEED 2,000 SIGNATURES BY MARCH 15th to put a Clean Air ordinance (En Espanol) on the November ballot.

Please Join Us!

Petitioner Orientation Meetings
February 4th, 5th & 6th (Mon, Tues & Wed) from 6pm-7pm
Allentown Brew Works – FIVE (fifth floor)
812 W. Hamilton St, Allentown, PA 18101

Come to one of these meetings to get materials and orientation to help the petitioning effort.

Get Involved!

Can’t make it, but want to help?  Contact Us.

We also need petitioners to help with the following:

  • Tabling at the Allentown Brew Works at prime traffic times
    • 12pm-2pm Weekdays
    • 5pm-7pm Thursday & Fridays
    • Food and refreshments for those who can staff a table for an hour or two
  • Collecting signatures at community meetings, churches, neighborhood groups, etc.
  • Other good ideas for where to find lots of Allentown registered voters?

Let us know!