RSVP on Facebook here: Toxic Trash/sludge Incinerator Threatens Allentown ~~Learn about this dangerous city plan andhow you can help save Allentown’s air and pocketbook.
Allentown Community Incinerator Discussion Meeting
Monday, Dec 17th, at 7:15pm
Fellowship Room of Saint James UCC Church
(37 South 15th Street, Allentown, PA)
Delta Thermo Energy Corp is planning to construct an incinerator at 112 W Union St in Allentown. This incinerator will burn garbage and sewage sludge in Center City Allentown, near the East End of the city.
The burning of garbage/sewage has been determined to release sulfur, mercury, lead, carbon dioxide, and dioxin. According to census data, the community surrounding the planned incinerator is 60-85% Latino and African-American (see map below). Delta Thermo intends to release these toxic chemicals into the air and water of one of the most racially diverse working class communities in the Lehigh Valley.
Delta Thermo says the incinerator is “clean technology,” but theirs is the first of its type in the world and has never been tested for pollution before: Delta Thermo Energy is using you and your loved ones as test subjects for their experiment with this “new” incinerator.
We need your help! Several Allentown residents are coming together for a presentation and discussion on what to do next. Mike Ewall from Energy Justice Network will share his expertise on the hazards of incineration and lead a Q&A and discussion on the issue.
PLEASE JOIN US… and spread the word!
RSVP on Facebook here:
For info on why incinerators are so dangerous